Our approach is based on Imam al-Ghazali’s thought in psychology, and we call this approach Ghazalian psychology. The Islamic world knows him by hujjatul Islam, Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali, a classical Muslim scientist from the 8th century AD.

Psychotherapy or ilaj an-nafs in is eradicating bad behaviors and characters, then changing them with virtuous and good characters to the soul, or eradicating something not worthy and replacing it with something worthy of the heart. Islamic Psychotherapy is related to tazkiyah an-nafs (the purification of the soul), which consists of three stages each of which need of installation on those three frameworks that are: takhalli, tahalli, and will end with tajalli.

What Will We Do To Help You?

To have success in doing the therapy it does not suffice by only giving the technique of healing, instead, it must be completed by early evaluation or assessment:

  1. Knowing the type of problem.
  2. Knowing how long the problem befalls the patient.
  3. Knowing what are the time and situation for the occurrence of such a problem, whether it is only on a certain time and situation or continuously.
  4. Knowing the quality of the problem, which is referring to the strength of the problem brings damage to the self.

After performing the assessment, then it continues to determine the purpose (maqashid) of the program which will be executed, by:

  1. Knowing how strong the resolution or will to change is.
  2. Making a list of hopes or aspirations concerning the program that will be executed, or the measured indicators of the success of the program.

After those two steps are known, then the further step is to determine the method and technique (kayfiyyat):

  1. Determining the mujahadah technique and the types of riyadhah (spiritual exercises) that can be done gradually.
  2. Determining the right time to do mujahadah and
  3. Ensure that the program does not cause another new disease, which means that all the methods must be ecologically considered.

How Many Sessions Will There be?

The number of sessions that you will go through will be relative, it can be short or take a longer time. The basic principle is to get change and see the progress you go through, that you will get through 1000 hours of training equivalent 6-7 weeks, where I will now coach and assist you so you can help yourself later on. So that God’s help comes to you. Because the basic principle is that Allah will not change the fate of a people if the people do not want to change it. There are 7 stages or 7 sessions that you will go through, each session lasting 40-60 minutes per session.

What Problems Can be Helped?

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Phobia
  • Panic attack
  • Sexual deviance (LGBT)
  • Drug addiction
  • Porn addiction, etc

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